These pictures of Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, are shared with you by the Learn More 2 Do More Project. The pictures were taken as part of the effort to learn how to use a digital camera. As time permits, additional pictures will be added. After you have enjoyed the pictures of Colonial Williamsburg, visit the LM2DM Project Home Page. Please take the time to share your thoughts about the pictures of Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, with the site's webmaster. To obtain an email addess, go to the Contact web page.

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Go To Colonial Williamsburg Picture Directory

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Colonial Williamsburg Picture Directory

The Governor of the Colony of Virginia was appointed by the King of England. The Governor was head of the church, head of the government of the colony, and military leader.

Click on the picture category you want to view. The number of pictures contained in a page varies. The number at the end of the category of pictures indicates the number of pictures that will be transmitted to your computer. The more pictures contained in a page will cause the page to take longer to be displayed on your monitor.

The Learn More 2 Do More Project web site has no connection to Colonial Williamsburg. The enclosed pictures were taken during two visits to Colonial Williamsburg in 2002. During the visits, effort was made to learn how to use a digital camera. Additional pictures will be added as time permits.

Enjoy your pictorial visit to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. To learn more about Colonial Williamsburg, visit the following web site. . You can use an internet search engine to find more web sites with information about Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.

Please take the time to share your thoughts about the pictures of Colonial Williamsburg .

Before you end your visit to this page, Go to LM2DM Project Home Page

Number at the right of a Picture Category indicates the number of pictures included in the page.

Capitol Building (3)

Capitol - General Court Courtroom (3)

Capitol - Legislative Chamber / House of Burgesses (2)

Capitol - Map of Colonies and Governor's Council Chamber (2)

Governor's Palace (2)

Governor's Palace Inside (5)

Governor's Palace - Wheelwright Shop (3)

Governor's Palace - Kitchen (2)

Courthouse - Williamsburg Municipal Court and Charles City County Court (1)

Public Stocks - Next To Courthouse (4)

Magazine (2)

Charlton's Coffee House Archaeological Dig (2)

Carpenters (4)

Burton Parish Church (1)

Blacksmith Shop, Shoemaker Display of Shoes (2)

Tobacco and Corn Patches(1)

Come back soon. Be sure to visit the Learn More 2 Do More Project Home Page.