Supports LM2DM Project, Lee Clowning Ministry, and Dale Lee Training Activities

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M. Dale "Slow Beau" Lee

Linda "Little Lee" Lee

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The main focus of the staff is to communicate a biblical message and encourage people to live a Christian life style. Because the LCM staff are entertainers and trained clowns, the presentations developed for churches are entertaining as well as educational.

The LCM staff are very knowledgeable about business management concepts. Their business training and experience enables them to be able to develop customized entertaining educational seminars for all levels of a business' employees and management.

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Linda "Little Lee" Lee’s availability for a presentation varies according to her job's travel schedule. Linda has what some people call a "normal" job. Normally her available days are on weekends.

Dale “Slow Beau” Lee's availability for a presentation is flexible and is available for weekday and weekend presentations.

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Mailing address: Lee Clowning Ministry, PO Box 7797, Richmond, VA, 23231 USA

Preferred method of contact is e-mail. To obtain an e-mail addresses, go to the Contact web page.

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"Presentation" is used as a generic term that includes clown program, sermon, revival, training seminar, after meal entertainment with a devotional twist, etc.

A presentation can be developed by the LCM staff for any subject that is appropriate for a church sponsored service, activity, meeting, etc.

Due to the training and experience of the LCM staff, the subject of a presentation can include how the productivity of church leaders can be improved by better application of business management concepts. The LCM staff can develop entertaining educational presentions for business

Each presentation is designed for a targeted audience. An audience can be a specific age group or a variety of age groups such as a preschool, children, teenagers, single and married adults, senior citizens, church wide audience, families, etc.

A presentation can include the use of balloons, illusions, storytelling, props, comedy, physical humor, audience participation, music, drama, etc.

To entertain the audience during a presentation is a goal for LCM staff. A presentation can have a serious subject and still be entertaining. The LCM staff use the skills of a clown when disguised as a human to entertain as a means to create an atmosphere that will help the audience enjoy themselves and be glad they attended the presentation.

Often a clown and a human can conduct the same presentation. In some situations a clown will be the better choice to conduct a presentation. A clown presentation can be developed for most church related topic. A human is more flexible as a presenter than a clown. A human can lead any presentation that a clown can lead.

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Revivals can be evangelistic in focus when requested by the pastor. The normal emphasis for a LCM staff led revival's emphasis is to encourage and empower church members to be better Christians, church members, and church leaders.

A sermon is developed under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Due to the presentation skills available to Dale Lee, a sermon's organization and presentation can vary. Do not expect a typical style sermon.

Human or clown led after dinner entertaining programs.

Design and support a web site.

Advise church’s IM support people.

Train people to develop and support a church’s IM .

Work with pastor and elected church leaders to evaluate their church’s methods for reaching out to its community and church members.

Provide customized training seminars for church members and leaders.

Provide clown led entertaining, educational, and devotional presentations.

Provide clown training seminars.

Provide training on how use dramatic arts to present a biblical message.

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Fees charged by LCM staff for services provided depend on the type of presentation(s), time required to develop and present the presentation, if the presenter is a human or a clown or both, travel time, materials supplied if a training presentation, expenses incurred by the LCM staff, etc.

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Internet Training Ministry
Learn More 2 Do More Project (LM2DM)

Sponsored by the Education Division -- Lee Clowning Ministry (LCM)
Richmond, Virginia, USA

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