Sunday School Class Golden Rule Executive Summary©

Learn More To Do More Project of Lee Clowning Ministry

Written by Dale Lee

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The price of gold indicates the value of the Golden Rule

Sunday School Class Member ( I do not go to the Sunday School class to be put under pressure.)

Sunday School Class Leaders (I thought being a class leader meant I had bring my Bible with me as I attended most of the Bible Study classes during the year.)

Sunday School Class Member’s Collaboration Paradigm (Be powerful by working together.)

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The price of gold indicates the value of the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is a secular statement, don’t tell the ACLU, that is a mirror of the basic teaching found in the Bible verse, Matthew 7:12. If you are not familiar with the Golden Rule, it is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Matthew 7:12 in the Charles B. Williams translation is “Then you must practice dealing with others as you would like for them to deal with you; for this is the summing up of the law and the prophets.”

A question to consider is “How will a Sunday School class member treat other class members and visitors?” This “Sunday School Class Golden Rule Executive Summary” has been prepared to provide a guide for Sunday School class members.

The “Sunday School Class Golden Rule Executive Summary” is being considered for approval by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Sunday School Class Visitors and Class Members.

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Sunday School Class Member ( I do not go to the Sunday School class to be put under pressure.)

As a Sunday School class member will strive to:


          Reflect the Golden Rule in each decision I make and action performed in every situation I encounter.


          Conduct myself in ways that will enable me to grow in my Faith and dependance on God and Jesus.


          Develop my written testimony that reflects my Faith and purpose of making Jesus my Lord and Savior. The written testimony will become the foundation for my verbal testimony.


          Determine what I expect to receive from attending Sunday School class’ activities and do what is needed to insure that I will receive what I expect. It is my time that is being used, wasted, etc. when I attend Sunday School class activities.


          Invest personal time, spiritual gifts, talents, money, etc. to increase the effectiveness of the Sunday School class’ activities.


          Prepare myself to participate in the weekly Bible study discussion.


          Invite people to attend my Sunday School class.


          Be friendly to each person I meet in a Sunday School class meeting.


          Learn the name and basic data about each Sunday School class member and visitor.


          Speak to each person that attends each Sunday School class activity.


          Identify each visitor’s questions and answer them.


          Make sure visitors are placed on the class’ e-mail list.


          Invite visitors and infrequent members to attend the next Sunday School class’ activities.


          Follow-up a visitor’s visit by personally contacting him.


          Ask visitors to join the Sunday School class.


          Invite a Sunday School class visitor or member to visit you in your home at least once a month.

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Sunday School Class Leaders
(I thought being a class leader meant I had bring my Bible with me
as I attended most of the Bible Study classes during the year.)

As a Sunday School Leader, I will strive to:


          Lead my Sunday School class’ members to develop a class Mission Statement. The Mission Statement will provide the guidelines for making all class related decisions.


          Establish procedures that will enable class members and visitors to learn about the good and bad things that are occurring in the lives of each member and visitor. The data will be the topics for intercessory prayers and personal benevolent actions.


          Through personal actions, communicate to Sunday School class members’ that their reactions to visitors are an active part of the church’s evangelism effort.


          Plan and conduct activities with measurable objectives that will provide assistance to people with needs and enable class members to spend time with each other.


          Be creative in planning the Sunday School class’ Bible studies and activities.


          Embrace status quo ideas and activities that produce the desired results. If it is not working, I will change it.


          Keep appropriate records that can be used to evaluate the growth of the class and the effectiveness of the class activities.

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Sunday School Class Member’s Collaboration Paradigm (Be powerful by working together.)

         Use the class Mission Statement to coordinate the skills, talents, gifts, etc. of each Sunday School class member as they collaborate the putting into action the combined power of their parts of the body of Christ.

         Utilize the power of relationships generated through intentional fellowship activities of the Sunday School class membership to support and encourage visitors and class members.


          Be an active friend. How do I be a friend when I do not live near class members? Good question. Collaborate and find an answer.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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