What Is A Pond Bank Article©

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The Name
No Urgency
Memory Lane
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The Name

A Pond Bank article reflects a laid back and casual approach to discussing a topic or sharing an experience. The discussion of a topic in an article can be similar to the conversation between friends sitting on the bank of a farm pond while waiting for a fish to bite your bait and pull the cork under the water. If you have not had the fun of fishing from a farm pond bank, think about a place that you like to be while talking with your friends.

The “Pond Bank” name was selected, because of the enjoyable times Dale Lee has spent in his childhood and teenage years fishing from a pond bank and sometimes a creek bank in Kentucky and Tennessee. The memories of fishing in a pond are so wonderful to Dale that he would like someday to own a few acres with a couple of different size ponds in fields that are the home to a few farm animals such as cows, horses, chickens, pigs, dogs, cats, etc. You just do not know what you have missed if you have not stepped in a fresh cow pie.

No Urgency

When fishing in a farm pond, there is usually not a sense of urgency. You take it easy and let the clouds and time pass by. There were several times that a strong sense of urgency could get hold of you. These times would happen with no warning. They can be

1. You realized that a larger than normal fish is on the end of your fishing line.

2. You realized that a turtle has gotten hold of the bait and hook. Getting a turtle off your hook is not an easy task.

3. You spot a snake swimming or crawling near you. A snake is normally harmless, but a snake could be a poison water moccasin. You give the snake its space, and it will give you space unless you step on it.

4. You slip and end up standing, sitting, or laying in the water. This is a guaranteed laugh generator.

Memory Lane

A memory lane journey will be the guiding factor for some articles. Mentally traveling down memory lane presents the opportunities to transport yourself to a time where you can visit people and relive experiences that are important to you that you no longer have the opportunity to visit. Dale’s memory lane articles may not be about what you have experienced, but the stroll may get you to thinking about special times in your past. Please take the time to allow your mind to activate your hidden memories and allow you to enjoy strolling down your memory lane. Do not forget to walk down your memory lane at special times such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, holidays, and anytime you want to relive fun and special times in your life.

Your imagination is powerful. Use it.

I have to be careful and keep at least one foot on the floor as I stroll down my Memory Lane. If I do not, I will go to sleep.


To help you remember your school tests, from time to time a word will misspelled. See if you can find them. If you do not find them, it means that I did not realize I spelled them correct. I will be sorry for my correct spelling.



Over the next few years, a wide range of topics will be visited. The articles are Dale’s thoughts, opinions, etc. Some of the topics will actually be about fishing. Effort will be made to make the articles enjoyable to read. You will sometimes agree with what is written. Even though it will seldom happen, you may even disagree with what is written.

Share Your Thoughts

I invite you to visit this web site a couple of times a month to read the articles that are cultivated in the mind of Dale Lee. If you would like to send a reply to Dale about an article or you have a suggestion for Dale, please visit the CONTACT page to get an email address.

Thank You

Thank You for visiting this web site and the articles. If you have enjoyed what you have read, please share the web site address with your friends and people you do not like.

Dale Lee

Richmond, Virginia, USA, North America, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe, God's Creation Workshop.

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Last date changed August 29, 2010.