Getting People to Visit Your Church©

A Pond Bank Article - Created by Dale Lee
Sponsored by the Learn More 2 Do More Project of Lee Clowning Ministry

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Getting People to Visit Your Church©


People will visit your church if you have the desire for them to visit the church. All you have to do is put a “Sunday Worship Service 11:00” message on the church sign and have the pew pockets filled with visitor cards so visitors can fill them out when visiting the church. The basic effort of many churches to reach out to visitors has just been described.

Some churches attempt to supplement this process by trying to get church members to invite people to visit the church’s Sunday morning activities such as Sunday School and worship service. The success of church members reaching out to visitors can be limited because the church members are not motivated nor trained to meet and greet visitors.

If a visitor is enticed to participate in a church activity and it is of no value to him, he will probably not make a repeat visit to the church. Can you join with me and agree that a church related truth is a Sunday morning worship/morning preaching service can be boring and a yawn motivator.

An idea to think about is to plan activities to which visitors can be invited that are designed to give the visitors a positive impression of the church, its members, and Jesus Christ. Why waste a visitor’s visit to the church? Make the visit valuable to him and the church. How “visitor friendly” are your church’s members?


Think about the ways church members you know get visitors to visit the church. You can work to duplicate what they do. Another way is to think about current activities at the church that you think your friends would like to participate in. Invite them to the church activities. You are personalizing your friends’ visit to your church.

Think about friends you have that do not attend a church. What type of activity could be hosted by your church that your friends would like to attend? Talk to the church’s pastor or a church leader about organizing the activity so you could invite your friends to the church. The activity you think will be of value to your friends will be valuable to other people.


A person will not become a member of your church if he does not attend the church’s activities as a visitor.

Dale Lee

A former resident of Pot Neck, Tennessee

Date last modified, September 7, 2010

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