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Cutting Church Budget in Economic Down Times©
The collection plate does not weigh as much as it used too after the ushers took the collection on Sunday morning. The ushers are watched all the time so they are not slipping some of the collection into their pockets. Some experts say the current economic problems will continue for several years. What is the church going to do with less money to spend on its ministries?
The easy answer is to cut back on the money spent which means the plans for church growth activities will have to be reduced with an appropriate cut in the budget. Of course nothing gets critical enough to cause the budget for fellowship coffee and donuts to be cut from the Sunday School budget.
A non status quo approach to restoring the collection plate money is to increase the church budget with a line item that is designed to increase the number of people that attend the church’s services and activities. The more people that attend the church’s activities do open up the potential for an increase in donations. Why think negatively and focus on cutting the church’s ministries? A church member should draw on God’s power and be aggressive and positive.
The power of God is on your side. Allow God to be active in your activities as your partner.
Dale Lee
A former resident of Pot Neck, Tennessee
Date last modified, September 6, 2010.
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